What Is a Spriggan?

March 28, 2019


As I read through my research books, I came across a very interesting creature. This creature is known as the spriggan—pronounced sprid-jan. A spriggan is a type of Fae that is often confused with a giant. It is extremely small in size. It’s able to inflate itself, change shape, and

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Leprechauns – The Truth Regarding These Tricky Beings

March 21, 2019


Leprechauns have captured our imagination for centuries. We see them in books, movies, and on the side of cereal cartons. If you walk around asking people, “What is a leprechaun?” I think you’d find it hard to find someone without an opinion. “Then Mother Church came along and turned us

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A Fae A Day Blog and Podcast Series – Coming Soon!

March 21, 2019


Welcome to A Fae A Day Podcast. Status: The first blog about leprechauns is posted. The podcast is in the works. My name is Willow Shire. I create action-packed urban fantasy stories about fae creatures. Creatures of magic and myth. You might know them by their more common name–faeries. In

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